“To live in Peace, we must learn how to live.”
Rev., Prof., Gola Wolf Richards
Trump and the Ongoing Inauguration of Peace
Contemplating The United States of Consciousness and Change
Perspectacles® Podcast
The Perspectacles® Podcast is an ongoing contemplative conversation, held between a father, Rev. Gola Wolf Richards, and his son, Ryan W. Richards; focused on the idea that we must learn to save ourselves collectively, from ourselves as individuals; based on addressing all conflicts, grounded in a higher orientation to consciousness; where in theory and in practice: As timeliness in self-cultivation is framed within the most holistic range of concerns that compassion can reach, the character of our moral self-cultivation is central, to how Yin/Yang dynamics of universal reciprocity evolve interlacing pathways, to exceed how hell will otherwise continue to thrive, where heaven fails to grow.
The United States of Consciousness and Change
Broadcast Wisdom® and Dove Pax Productions bring you: Contemplative Segues to Responsible Citizenship in the United States of Consciousness and Change; Reflected in Twelve Interlacing Stanzas, of a Sermon for Voting to Elect Peace.
The Way to See (W)hole®.
For thousands of years, sages in all world traditions have represented the highest development of humanity. In all traditions where they are honored and studied, they are said to have achieved wisdom through being “centered”. Intuitively inspired from the integral center of the universe, as we are willing to implement mature insights into action, sage adages aid us to complement opposition with dignified resolutions. To seek, find and integrate into consciousness the eternal harmony underlying the world’s endless points of disorder is how one becomes centered. Contemplation provides a means to this end.
Broadcast Wisdom® was created by Rev., Prof., Gola Wolf Richards, a Theologian, Philosopher of Sage Consciousness and Professor on Contemplative Self-Cultivation, for Global Conflict-resolution.
My career in Human Development extends more than four decades. In that time, I have lectured on Contemplative Education for Global Conflict-Resolution for Dartmouth College's Novela Symposium, Duke University Graduate School for Environmental Engineering, The University of Maine's first International Peace Conference, the G.G. Jung Society at Bowdoin College, Education for Peace at the University of Montana in Missoula, the Maine faculty of "Religion and the Challenge of America", and host of the "Speaking for Virtue®" radio broadcast, from the University of Southern Maine; featuring early 20th century poetry and prose by authors such as Dr. Frank Crane, and Edgar Guest.
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“I have known Wolf Richards for more than 40 years, and have always been impressed by his skill and wisdom in interpersonal relations. He has an intuitive understanding of other people's feelings and of their efforts to cope with the problems that confront them. In my opinion Mr. Richards' grasp of Confucian principles will give depth to his approach to conflict resolution. He is an excellent speaker and a fine person.”
— Robert E. Lane, Prof. Emeritus of Political Science, Yale University
“I became particularly aware of the value of Wolf's philosophy when I was the Director of Personnel of the Division of Special Education of the New York City Board of Education. At that time (1983-1987) the Division employed 20,000 staff (10,000 of whom were teachers) serving 114,000 students. The stress the other major managers and I experienced, often on a daily basis, was sometimes nearly unbearable. However, I was able not only to survive, but to succeed by any measure, with the support I experienced from Wolf's philosophic precepts.”
— H. Steven Coopchik
“Dear Wolf, First, let me thank you for letting me see your manuscript [The Way to See (W)hole®]. I know from speaking with you how dear this project is to your heart... The manuscript is heartfelt and mindful. I very much enjoyed your word play, which lightens what could be turgid. The message is coherent and seamless... It has been a pleasure to meet and converse with you, and a pleasure to encounter your good and poetic soul in its strivings... I wish you the greatest success with this project.”
— Tabitha King, author and wife of author Stephen King