Board of Directors, Roy A. Hunt Foundation
B.A., Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania
M.D., Duke University School of Medicine
Graduate Research, University of Pennsylvania, Institute for Environmental Medicine
Internship and Residency in Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina
Postgraduate Studies in Alternative Medicine, Yoga, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Meditation, Stress Management, Death and Dying, Philosophy of Change, and Jungian Psychology.
As a young man, dealing with the interplay of passion and reasoning, my love for playing drums was intense; likewise, my sense of mission for family medicine has never failed to focus my attention. The privilege of having to choose between two modes of social and emotional satisfaction was a godsend; yet, it required me to prioritize one choice of professionalism over the other. In the process, in the marriage that I created between my passions and my reasoning, I learned to deeply listen to and carefully review my own thoughts and those of others; which lead to me to steadily developing my critical thinking skills; which benefits the scope of what I continue to learn and improve; based on taking time to regularly notice that: The quality of how we "listen to life" has the capacity to integrate or disintegrate our relations to anything in particular, and everything involved in the Earth community as a whole. This is a truth that relates to one of my chief prescriptions for health, which concerns the role that careful listening plays, in overall human development. My involvement with Motto Citizens LLC developed from many years of friendship and discussions with Wolf Richards; focused on promoting healthful orientations for conflict-resolution, based on the supportive values of contemplative audio for ideal self-cultivation. As a socially conscious philanthropist, I recognize that we are at a time when chaos is spreading around the world; and in response, because I still have great passion for playing drums, I think of myself as a counterpart to ancient physicians; who used the beat of the drum to induce change. Now, to the beat of Spoken Word for Global Conflict-resolution, in my work with Wolf, our work through contemplative audio capitalizes on the way that: Careful listening amplifies the timeliness in reasoning, that humanity needs to heal.